
Invite Huggy to speak!

Request Huggy to Speak from UTA Speakers

Request Huggy to Speak from BrightSight Speakers

Speaking Topics

Leaders as Friction Fixers

Friction is like cholesterol: just as bad cholesterol destroys arteries, bad friction weakens initiative and collaboration. Just as good cholesterol cleans arteries, good friction can be a source of commitment building and also a speed break in decision making. We discuss how leaders ought to be trustees of time, and think of their organization as a product that is malleable and flexible. We discuss how bad friction can be eliminated, and good friction be harnessed so that the right things become easier to do, the wrong things hard, and no one is driven crazy. Learn how to:

  • Use Friction Forensics
  • Ramps to bad friction
  • A suite of subtraction tools
  • Adding good friction to improve decision making and commitment
  • Above all, be a trustee of your employee’s time.

Scaling up Excellence

Scaling-Up Excellence tackles a challenge that confronts every leader and organization – spreading constructive beliefs and behavior from the few to the many, and making sure that people do the right thing even nobody is looking at them or monitoring them. The two challenges of scaling excellence are getting people to do MORE and getting them do it BETTER. Put another way, the essence of leading change is to scale excellence. Scaling is a skill necessary for leaders of small startups, or teams, or departments, and large organizations. The key choices that leaders face and principles that help organizations to scale-up without screwing-up are strikingly consistent — whether the task is to grow a Silicon Valley start-up like Pulse from 4 to 20 people, double the number of lawyers at Google, spread best practices for selling beer from the best U.S. Budweiser distributors to the rest, open a new KIPP charter school in Washington DC, grow the Joie de Vivre Hotel chain, open a See’s Candy store in Texas, reduce drug treatment errors in San Francisco area hospitals, or open Home Depot stores in China. Learn how to

  • Build a mindset of accountability by designing hot causes and cool solutions.
  • Be a Catholic who replicates or innovations or a Buddhist who creates variety.
  • Descale bad behaviors.
  • Connect and cascade excellence

Leading Successful Organizational Change

Leading change does not mean ‘rolling out’ an initiative. Instead, it hinges on creating the conditions under which people can choose a more curious and generous version of themselves, such that executives have a playbook for a 100 day plan. Learn how to

  • Diagnose change blindness
  • How to presuade and per
  • Use network analysis to diagnose sources of resistance
  • Energize new behavior
  • Staff a Change team
  • Sequence change into a 100 day plan

Connect the Customer Experience to the Talent Experience: Live the mindset

Too often, the customer experience and talent experience are disconnected: so if one promises speed, bureaucratic processes slow you down. Linking the customer experience to the employee experience means that one lives a customer centric mindset. Learn how to

  • Diagnose your mindset, and your caring, sharing and daring muscles.
  • Implant the mindset through people processes such as finding people, aligning them, rapid feed forward, teaming, hacking, engaging and reinventing.
  • Conduct a competitive analysis of mindset

Request Huggy to Speak from UTA Speakers

Request Huggy to Speak from BrightSight Speakers